Storm III Original by Carly Ashdown 16May2018 News 01206 560395, 24 Carat Gold Leaf, Acrylic Painting, Ballerina, Ballet, Carly Ashdown, colchester, Essex, M P Gallery, [email protected], Storm III, Paul "Art expresses something that cannot be shared in any other way; it allows a deeper context from which to view life." - Carly Ashdown
Meeting One’s Self Original by Carly Ashdown 24Apr2018 News 0% interest Free Available over 6, 01206 560395, 24 Carat Gold Leaf, 9 & 12 months & Free UK Delivery, Acrylic, Ballerina, Ballet, Beautiful, Box Canvas, Carly Ashdown, colchester, Essex, Fine Art, M P Gallery, Meeting One's Self, [email protected], Original, Paul “What unifies us is an inner beauty which we all share and that’s really at the heart of my work.” - Carly Ashdown