Bulldog Bust – Smouldering Brown Rust by Edge Sculpture


Bulldog Bust – Smouldering Brown Rust EDB13

Edge Sculpture

by Matt Buckley

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Image Size

12.5" High x 11.4" Long x 11" Deep


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Bulldog Bust – Smouldering Brown Rust by Edge Sculpture EDB13

Each sculpture has been originally sculpted from clay, which allows the sculptor to be freer, giving the pieces the dynamic and organic fee, stylised by Edge Sculpture. The finished clay sculp ‘masters’ are then taken to be moulded, and each subsequent piece has been carefully hand cast from this mould using ceramic polystone, which allows for faithful reproduction of detail and texture applied to the original sculpt. the finishing touch is the skilful application of hand painting and finishing, which brings the sculpt to life. The end result is a centre piece and talking point in anyone’s living room!

Matt Buckley started off his sculpting career over 20 years ago having been afforded the opportunity to hone his craft by following in the footsteps of his step father, Robert Harrop, by working on the ‘Country Companions’ and later named ‘Doggie People’ range which have resided successfully to this day within the ‘giftware’ and ‘collectible’ industry for well over 25 years themselves.

I once saw a dog that looked kinda neat, Its chest was swung low and it had fat feet.

Its nose was pushed in and it had really big eyes, it had a very little butt with some muscular thighs.

Its ears were called rose and sat perky on its head, I could tell from the yawns it was on the way to bed.

Just when I thought it was getting all tired out, it got down in the bow and started jumping about.

I knew then and there this was a dog I had to own, its owner said it’s a bulldog and it’s bad to the bone.

The Bulldog

Author unknown